Mary (Molly) Scudder
Research(* indicates open or free access)
Scudder, Mary F. and Stephen K. White. 2023. The Two Faces of Democracy: Between Agonism and Deliberation. New York: Oxford University Press.
Scudder, Mary F. 2020. Beyond Empathy and Inclusion: The Challenge of Listening in Democratic Deliberation. New York: Oxford University Press.
Scudder, Mary. 2024. "The Art of Listening in the Age of AI," Journal of International Political Theory, 20 (3), 272-282 .
Scudder Mary F., Selen Ercan, and Kerry McCallum. 2023. “Institutional Listening in Deliberative Democracy: Towards a Deliberative Logic of Transmission,” Politics Vol. 43 (1): 38-53.
Scudder, Mary F. 2023. “Deliberative Democracy, More than Deliberation,” Political Studies, Vol. 71 (1): 238-255.
* Scudder, Mary F. 2022. “Measuring Democratic Listening: A Listening Quality Index,” Political Research Quarterly, Vol. 75, Issue 1: 175-187.
*Scudder, Mary F. 2022. “Listening Quality Index” in Research Methods in Deliberative Democracy, edited by Selen Ercan, Hans Asenbaum, Nicole Curato, and Ricardo F. Mendonça. (Oxford: Oxford University Press).
*Scudder, Mary F. 2020. "The Ideal of Uptake in Democratic Deliberation, Political Studies, Vol. 68, Issue 2: 504-522.
LSE US Centre Blog Post: Why it’s bad for democracy when we ignore the voices we would rather not hear
Scudder, Mary F. 2016. “Beyond Empathy: Strategies and Ideals of Deliberative Democracy," Polity, Vol. 48, Issue 4: 524-550. (
Lukes, Timothy J. and Mary F. Scudder. “Teaching Wisdom to Interest: Book Five of Plato’s Republic,” PS: Political Science and Politics, January 2009.
Book Reviews
Deliberation Naturalized: Deliberation Naturalized: Improving Real Existing Deliberative Democracy by Ana Tanasoca. Oxford University Press, 2020. Perspectives on Politics.
American Dionysia: Violence, Tragedy, and Democratic Politics by Steven Johnston. Cambridge University Press, 2015. Journal of Politics (October 2016).
Methods Café, Deliberative Democracy Summer School, University of Canberra, February 2024